Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac Icon

Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac

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Become a customs agent in this curious game.

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Papers, Please is a peculiar indie video game in which you have to stop some people from crossing the your country's border, using your hand stamp.

Your mission as customs agent is to check passports and visas for everyone who comes to the border, and decide if they can get into the country or not. You have to check their papers to find mistakes, contradictions, or any problems on the forms they present. The important thing is nobody who shouldn't cross should be allowed to pass, and you can't leave any legitimate citizens outside.

Each day you are presented with a series of papers to work with, and your missions is to let as many people as you can inside, in order to get more points (this is a video game after all).

Papers, Please is an original and intelligent video game. It doesn't have spectacular graphics or a story full of surprising moments and explosions, but it hooks you up with a daring new idea.

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Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac Latest VersionLatest VersionPapers, Please 0.5.13 Beta.
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac LicenseLicenseFree
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac Operating SystemOp. SystemMac
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac CategoryCategorySports & Intelligence
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac DownloadsDownloads


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Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac Date PublishedDate PublishedOct 11th, 2024
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac LanguageLanguageEnglish
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac ViewsViews


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Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac AuthorAuthor Lucas Pope | (2) Programs
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac Last ModifiedLast ModifiedOct 11th, 2024
Papers, Please 0.5.13 Beta for Mac ReviewsReviews0
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